The Alliance (C&MA) is a light-bearing, Jesus-centered, missions and church planting movement with the deeper life at its heart.

Rather than being just a denomination intent on building its own kingdom, we are a people who “go”

To that end, we long to know and love Jesus Christ as our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.

The Fourfold Gospel-it’s in our DNA and is the foundation of our desire to live the “deeper life” -a commitment to a growing, abiding relationship with jesus that propels us to complete His last command on earth- His Great Commission.


Where we go:

Alliance churches are in the United States, and fellowships in 81 countries around the world with 6 million Christians calling themselves “Alliance.” In 2011, our Envision Trips sent up to 1800 people on short-term outreaches; 85 individuals went on a four-week or more assignment somewhere in this world-all to be points of light.

The Alliance movement began in the 1880’s when our founder, Dr. A.B. Simpson, witnessed the physical and spiritual plight of New York City’s homeless, downtrodden, and marginalized populations. Moved by his great love for Jesus and the lost, Simpson devoted his life to sharing Jesus’ light—in word and deed—with the city and, ultimately, the nations. Our calling remains unchanged. We are committed to being points of light—sharing good news to the poor, comforting the brokenhearted, proclaiming freedom for the captives, and releasing prisoners from darkness— all in Jesus’ Name. We are a people with an uncompromising drive to go!


Learn More about the Christian & Missionary Alliance at

Colorado Springs, CO